Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose an alternative approach?
People with allergies often end up seeing a number of specialists, such as allergists, pulmonologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, neurologists, rheumatologists, and immunologists due to the wide-spread effects of immune dysfunction. This can lead to a multitude of diagnoses and the use of a wide range of medications aimed at reducing various symptoms. However, this often results in new problems from medication interactions, fractured delivery of health care and failure to improve patient outcomes.
At The Rothfeld Center, we employ an alternative approach which seeks to examine and understand the interconnectedness of our biochemistry and physiology, which often offers a better result. Through identification of the underlying causes of inflammation and immune dysfunction, a comprehensive treatment plan can be formulated that will decrease allergic symptoms, reduce inflammation which is creating havoc throughout our bodies and return our immune system to a healthier state of balance. This will result in a fuller sense of well-being and a more robust, resilient individual.
Can medications and supplements change the way my immune system reacts to my allergens?
Medications and supplements can reduce symptoms and/or inflammation throughout the body, but will not diminish your allergies all together. In addition, natural treatments such as quercin, omega-3 oil, herbs, homeopathic remedies and antioxidants can help change your “internal” environment to be less inflammatory. Immunotherapy is the only treatment that will change the way your immune system reacts to food and environmental allergens. It works to develop a tolerance to your specific previous allergens.
How safe is Sublingual Immunotherapy?
Sublingual Immunotherapy Treatment has been available in the United States since the 1950’s. It is an FDA approved allergy treatment with more than 400 literature citations, including over 90 peer-reviewed studies published in 1955. The World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that SLIT was a viable, safe, and effective alternative to allergy shots and that its use in clinical practice was justified. Lastly, a Cochran Review, the most trusted independent, evidence-based, meta-analysis organization in the world published an analysis in 2003 that determined the treatment to be both safe and effective. Sublingual Immunotherapy is safe for people of all ages.
How often do I need to take my allergy drops?
Sublingual immunotherapy involves application of small “squirts” of treatment three times daily under the tongue. Treatment bottles last for 3 months. Each new bottle is a bit stronger than the previous bottle until a maintenance concentration is achieved. This is the “desensitization” phase during which time there is markedly reduced or even no reaction to allergic substances. After that, the same dose is used for the next few years to retrain the immune system so that it doesn’t react to allergens even after treatment stops. This is the “tolerance” phase. Treatment is then continued for 3-5 years.
Who should have allergy testing?
Our allergy testing methods are safe for people of all ages. Those who experience mild to severe allergies are good candidates for allergy testing, especially when medications such as anti-histamines are not working. Those recommended to take allergy drops include infants and children, asthmatics, highly sensitive people, those with chronic conditions including sinusitis, people with food and mold allergies, eczema and people with multiple allergies including dust, pollen, and animals.
Why treat food and environmental allergies at the same time?
Many of the symptoms you experience with environmental allergies also occur with food allergies, such as runny nose, mouth itching, hives, eczema, sinus headaches and skin itching. If you begin immunotherapy for environmental allergies and aren’t seeing a result after three to six months, you may consider asking about food allergy treatment.