Testing Options

 The Rothfeld Center allergy clinicians use both skin and blood tests, depending on the suspected allergy triggers. Our skin testing method is based on the Modified Quantitative Testing (MQT) technique as recommended by the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergies (AAOA) and the American Academy of Environmental Allergy (AAEM). We use skin testing mostly to identify environmental allergens and less often for food. Our technique combines skin pricks and intradermal injections to identify what is filling your rain barrel, both qualitatively (what your allergens are) and quantitatively (how reactive you are to each allergen). In order to best determine your body’s natural allergy response, we ask that you avoid certain medications for up to 48 hours prior to your allergy test.

We primarily use blood testing for food allergy; however, we will sometimes rely on it for environmental testing - particularly in the case of small children, people whose medications preclude skin testing, and people whose medical issues might be exacerbated by skin testing (e.g. uncontrolled asthma, history of anaphylaxis).

Your reactions to these individual allergens provide your “allergy profile”, which forms the basis of your individualized course of treatment. You and your provider will meet to review your results and discuss the various treatment options used at The Rothfeld Center.